Thursday, April 21, 2011

Desmoid Fibromatosis

En enero 2010 Joshua fue diagnosticado con un tumor fibromatoso, también se conoce como tumor desmoide o tumor desmoide agudo. El tumor está alojado en el area abdominal. Es benigno pero es masivo, oprime y obstruye varios organos vitales, como los riñones y también está bloqueando la vena Iliaca. Adjunto puedes encontrar una página de internet donde se explica claramente lo que es este tipo de tumor.

Joshua was diagnosed, on January 2010, with desmoid fibromatosis. Another name for this kind of tumor is acute desmoid tumor or acute fibromatosis. His tumor is in the abdominal area and even though it is considered benign it is massive and it is blocking and affective vital organs such as the Kidneys and it also affecting the Iliac Vein. The following link explains what is desmoid fibromatosis in a very simplified way... 

A principio de Marzo de 2010 los doctores en Puerto Rico lo intervinieron con el propósito de remover el tumor, ahi se dieron cuenta claramente de la magnitud del mismo, siendo imposible su remoción. En ese momento se hizo una biopsia para confirmar que el tumor era benigno. Joshua perdió mucha sangre durante esa intervención y ahi empezó su primera crisis.

During March 2010, doctors in Puerto Rico tried to surgically remove the tumor, but it was during that surgery that they clearly noticed the dimensions of the tumor and that it was going to be impossible its removal. At that moment they only did a biopsy which confirmed that the tumor was benign. Joshua lost a lot of blood during that surgery and that was his first crisis.

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